Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Weight Watchers® “Great Eight” Tips to Lose Weight, Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

As the clock strikes midnight on Dec. 31 and 2010 rolls in, many of the 60 percent of U.S. adults who are overweight will make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. But this year, instead of hopping on the diet bandwagon, why not stop dieting and start living a healthy lifestyle that could last for years to come?

Weight Watchers, in an ongoing effort to help real people transform themselves and achieve weight loss goals in a safe sustainable manner, has created the “Great Eight” tips to start the New Year off right:

Tip #1: One Step at a Time:
Prepare for success by setting a realistic weight loss goal. Losing just 10% of your starting weight can help you lower blood pressure and reduce risk for having a stroke; reduce the risk of developing diabetes; or for those already affected, losing weight helps to improve insulin function and lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol count.

Tip #2: Move for You:
Get active in small ways that pay off with big rewards. Exercise, in addition to helping shed unwanted weight, offers health and mobility benefits that last a lifetime. Activity can reduce the risk of heart diseases, promotes better sleep, strengthens your lungs and even improves mood. Plus it is a critical part of long-term weight loss success. Research shows that active people are much more likely to maintain their weight loss. Start small and make a commitment—even if it is taking the stairs instead of the elevator—to get up and move!

Tip #3: Don’t Diet:
A sensible weight-loss plan should not deprive or prevent you from eating certain foods or even eating out; it should teach how to eat the right foods and right portions. Experiment and have fun with food by making over recipes you’ve enjoyed in the past by using different ingredients to create a healthier version of the dish. When eating out, don’t be afraid to ask for a weight-conscious menu. Navigate large portion sizes by asking the server to bring only half the dish and immediately pack the other half to go. Instead of going without or being bored, make eating an adventure!

Tip #4: Get By With a Little Help from Your Friends:
Whether it is a husband, wife, mother, sister or friends, losing weight together can positively contribute to weight loss success. Those who go to Weight Watchers meetings lose three times more weight than those that go it alone. Plus, research shows that people who attend a weight-loss program with friends lose more weight and keep it off better than those who join by themselves.

Tip #5: Forgive but Don’t Forget:
There are 21 total meals in a week—if two nights didn’t turn out as planned there are still 19 chances to recoup! Learn from mistakes made in the past and make better decisions in the present. Remember every experience is valuable and don’t let little lapses spoil success.

Tip #6: Shop till You Drop:
It is fun to pick out new pieces of clothing and accessories as weight loss progresses. Use those holiday gift cards to celebrate small successes and keep motivation high.

Tip #7: Lay the Foundation:
A healthy lifestyle program educates people that weight-loss success is about behavior modification—doing things differently—not perfectly. Learn to make better food and activity choices to set the groundwork for overcoming future challenges.

Tip #8: New Year, New You
Believing it can be done, setting an achievable goal and then “going for it” is the roadmap to overhauling a regular lifestyle and making long term weight loss and health a priority. With regular advice, and the assistance of Weight Watchers Momentum™ plan, you’ll learn to “Stop Dieting, and Start Living.”

Celebrating 42 years in Arizona, Weight Watchers is America’s trusted name in weight loss and the global leader in weight-loss services, with approximately 50,000 weekly meetings held worldwide. For information about pricing, programs and services call 1-800-651-6000 or click WeightWatchers.com/Arizona.

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