Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Editor's Letter: September / October 2008

These are exciting times for the staff at Phoenix Woman. You’ve no doubt noticed our new cover design, but that’s only part of the story. In line with the magazine’s commitment to our readers and advertisers, this new renovation is designed to make Phoenix Woman more stimulating, more current … and more fun! As the new editor, I'm delighted to share our bright new ideas with all of you.

Always striving to excel in our industry and to lead the way in highlighting women’s issues, the new Phoenix Woman will continue to offer exclusive features, including profiles of notable Valley women. Our Life section has been revamped to include more articles on fashion, beauty, entertainment and the home as we continue to keep you up-to-date on both trends and best-kept secrets in dining, travel, health, fitness and local events.

You’ll find articles in Phoenix Woman’s Fortune section on careers, business and financial matters, while a new section called Discovery will expand your horizons regarding the arts, technology, science and women’s heritage.

October is both National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month, two topics close to every woman’s heart. In this issue, you'll love our timely cover story on Governor Janet Napolitano, who is both a breast cancer survivor and an impassioned crusader against domestic abuse. And when she's not running our state or pounding the pavement on behalf of important causes, she's focused on fun—and a few surprising passions.

“Fitness Fun-atics: Say Goodbye to Boring Workouts” will give your social life a lift as well as your fitness level. Another feature of interest focuses on how one Valley woman's struggle with domestic abuse led her to found an innovative “Girl’s Night Out” gathering to bring awareness and hope. You may also be inspired by “Art for the Cure,” an ongoing endeavor by Phoenix Art Museum that coincides with Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure.

If everyday life has you feeling overwhelmed or just out of breath, our article on “smart home” technology may be the story for you. Home automation is all about ease and convenience. And don’t miss this issue’s fall fashion and hair trends in which we discover that sometimes making a positive change is simply a matter of adding a new twist to a comfortable classic. It’s a lesson we at Phoenix Woman have already taken to heart as we continue with our commitment to bring you Arizona’s “focused, fun and fiercely local” women’s magazine.

Dive into our pages and enjoy!

Jessica Parsons, 